We make sure that our policies meet legal requirements.
Our Corporate Policies
We support our activities with strong policies that we implement throughout the group, such as the environment, ethical rules and anti-corruption.
All of our policies meet all legal requirements and are updated when necessary.
Equality in Opportunity
Our approach to sustainability is based on our understanding of social equality.
As DEXXON, we consider the equality in opportunity as one of the main components of our sustainability approach. Social equality is among our most important responsibility principles in all of our business processes.
In line with our commitments to the principles of the United Nations Global Principles Compact; We offer our employees fair, equal opportunities based on their skills and experience.
We promote gender equality throughout our companies and support to empower women in economic and social life, and we support their full and effective participation in decision-making processes.
Social Responsibility
We are aware that self-development is essentially based on improving the society. Acting with the awareness of social responsibility is one of the basic and unchangeable elements of our management approach.
Respect for people and nature is the first condition of common life and is among the basic values adopted by the entire DEXXON team.
With our Social Responsibility awareness, we inform our employees to reduce paper consumption during our operations and transfer more documents to the digital world every year.
We also support these works with afforestation activities.